Thursday 7 February 2013

Tuck crunch Workout routine

To begin lie down on the floor or an excercise mat with your back pressed against the floor. Your arms should be lying across your sides with the palms facing down.

Your legs should be crossed by wrapping one ankle around the other. Slowly elevate your legs up in the air until your thighs perpendicular to the floor with a slight bend at the knees. Note: Your knees and toes should be parallel to the floor as opposed to the thighs.

How to: Tuck crunch

Move your arms from the floor and cross them so they are resting on your chest. This is the starting position. While keeping your lower back pressed against the floor, slowly lift your torso. Remember to exhale while perform this part of the exercise.

Slowly begin to lower your torso back down to the starting position while inhaling. 

Repeat for the recommended amount of repititions.

Cable crunch workout routine

Kneel below a high pulley that contains a rope attchment.

Grasp cable rope attachment and lower the rope until your hands are placed next to your face.

Flex your hips slightly and allow the weight to hyperextend the lower back. This will be your starting position. With the hips stationary, flex the waist as you contract the abs so that the elbows travel towards the middle of the thighs. Exhale as you perform this portion of the movement and hold the contraction for a second.

How to do cable crunch 

Slowly return to the starting position as you inhale. Make sure that you keep constant tension on the abs throughout the movement. Also, do not choose weight so heavy that the lower back handles the brunt of the work.

Repeat for the recommended amount of repititions.

Side Jack-knife

To begin this excercise, start off lying with your left side on the floor and your left leg above the right. Place your right hand upon your torso and keep your left hand behind your head.

Lift your left leg up as you bring your chest toward your leg contracting your abdominals, as they get closer together, squeeze tightly and hold for a few seconds then return back to the starting position. 
How to: Side Jack-knife

Repeat this excercise for as many repititions as needed.

Janda Sit-up workout routine

Position your body on the floor in the basic sit-up position. Knees to a ninety degree angle with feet on the floor and srms either crossed over your chest or to the sides. This will be your starting position.

As you strongly tighten your glutes and hamstrings, fill your lungs with air and in a slow (three to six second count) ascent, slowly exhale. It is important to tighten the glutes and hamstrings as this will cause the hip flexors to be inactivated in a process called reciprocal inhibition, which basically means that opposite muscles to the contracted  ones will relax.

How to do the Jand sit-up

As you inhale, slowly go back in a controlled manner to the starting position.

Pepeat for the recommended amount of repititions.

Equipment: Body only    Group: Abs 
New ABS Workout 

Janda Sit-up workout routine  

Side Jack-knife


Wednesday 6 February 2013

Welcome INSANE

In these organisation, They coach you to achieve success, share  best advice to get in shape. Give you the techniques and strategies that worked best for ripped individuals or celebrities with just simple techniques, house workout, and which have gotten great results for many of my clients as well. We also engage in teaching techniques of  staying fit – how to ensure you stay motivated, consistent with your workouts and eating the right food, and focused on your goals.